A tool written in Pure Python that allows you to check your ping/latency for CSGO Servers on different regions for VALVe Matchmaking/Servers, FaceIT Matchmaking/Servers, and ESEA Matchmaking/Servers with only 1-click.
A tool that allows you to check your ping on different regions for Matchmaking, FaceIT, and ESEA servers with only 1-click.
I accidentally merged the wrong pull request on 30-04-2020 and lost all my old commits. This is why everything is so new again. :(
From 03-05-2020 I have added a GPG key which will be used to sign all commits from hereon, please ignore the unverified commits. Those were just to test my GPG key setup and get it to work correctly.
Archived - It’s been a fun almost 2 years working on this project and I’ve learned a lot. But unfortunately the time has come to archive it as Python isn’t friendly with the requirments I have in mind for this project. Please keep an eye out as I’ll be re-writing the whole project from scratch to be more user friendly, have automated testing + builds etc.
Written in Python 3.8.3 with Tkinter as GUI Library. Standard GPL 3.0 Licence carried over.
Please see “Releases” for builds + releases.
Uses updated information from here: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/blob/master/Random/NetworkDatagramConfig.json
Base Libs:
Windows: Tkinter, os
UNIX, Linux, MacOS: Tkinter, os
Python Version: Python 3.8.3
For UNIX, Linux, MacOS: Wine
Windows: None, all included libraries are in the compiled .exe file.
MacOS + *nix:
Open Terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded it.
wine filename.exe
Run the .exe file as per normal